Dione C.

Dione C.


Expert college admissions consultant + writing/career/grad admissions coach

Stanford Graduate School of Business Logo

Studied at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Strategic Admissions Consulting Logo

Works at Strategic Admissions Consulting

Admissions Committee Experience

Available March 26 at 8:30 PM UTC

Usually responds within 21 hours

Nice to e-meet! I'm a professional, experienced MBA coach who has helped hundreds of individuals gain admission to top MBA programs. I'd love to learn more about you.! Please share your resume, along with a short introduction: - MBA plans (program, round #) - Career goals - Where you're at in the application process (e.g. recs, GRE/GMAT, essays, etc) - Areas of focus in working with a coach This information will help me identify how I can best support you. Thank you! Dione

Questions? Start chatting with this coach before you get started.

Dione’s College Qualifications

Coaches professionally

50+ people coached for College

Open to working with clients outside the U.S.

Dione has helped clients get into these schools:

Hi! I’m a first-generation college grad, Stanford alumna (MBA, BA Economics & Communication, Phi Beta Kappa) and writing/career coach who has found my calling in helping others to pursue their educational dreams. I provide personalized, knowledgeable, trusted support to diverse US and international students at every step of the admissions process. By working together, you will: • Access deep admissions expertise gained from years of direct experience: interviewer, applications reader, Stanford minority admissions advisory representative, pro bono admissions consulting, member of professional educational consulting organizations, quoted by US News. I’ll demystify college admissions and help you to make informed choices. • Stand out by crafting authentic, insightful personal statements that uniquely reflect your background, values, experiences and goals. You don’t need to love writing. I’ll help you to identify not only what to communicate, but also how to communicate clearly, concisely and compellingly. • Explore and pursue academic and career interests. What do you want to study and pursue as a career? Don’t know – no problem! Most educational consultants specialize in college admissions only; they focus on what it takes to get into college and stop there. Not us! As a career coach and graduate school/MBA admissions consultant, I also help college students and working professionals to achieve their longer-term goals. I enjoy serving as a knowledgeable and supportive sounding board and mentor. Together, we’ll identify strategies and actions you can take in high school and college to achieve your academic and career goals (colleges want to know this!). I’ve enjoyed diverse, non-traditional work opportunities spanning international business, tech and marketing, strategy and communications at startups, nonprofits and corporations in the US, Europe and Asia. I draw on my experiences and extensive network. Engineering, medicine, and business are great fields but we’ll also explore emerging and lesser known careers as well. I bring a “can do,” non-judgmental and strategic approach to helping you think about your future. • Build a customized, balanced list of schools where you can thrive. There are thousands of colleges in the US alone; the question we’ll focus on isn’t whether you’ll get into a great college (trust me, you will!), but rather, how do we identify a short list of schools where you will thrive. Every year, I visit different college campuses and attend workshops and presentations to find schools that may not be on everyone else’s list but represent a great match for you. I continue to follow trends and changes in higher education. I tap deep roots in the Stanford community where I’m an active alumna, pro bono alumni consultant, minority/DEI initiative leader, and class secretary who’s been honored for my volunteer service by Stanford. • Benefit from personalized, responsive support at every step of the application process. I work closely with a limited number of diverse, motivated US and international high school students each year. You will be able to: o Identify strategies and action plans for making the most of high school o Write essays that elevate you from being a qualified applicant to a compelling one o Navigate the college admission process with less stress and uncertainty and better outcomes.

Dione can help with:

Financial Aid & Scholarships




Ding Analysis

Waitlist Strategy

School Selection

Secondary Review

Application Strategy



View all of Dione’s categories

About Dione

ABOUT ME - Professional MBA and career coach. Specialize in top 10 programs, expert writer, Stanford BA/MBA I'm a full-time professional MBA coach with 12+ years admissions experience and over a decade of coaching hundreds (!) of diverse MBA applicants to success. Being a trusted, knowledgeable and dedicated MBA coach is not a side gig! The first in my family to graduate from college, I earned a BA at Stanford where I double majored in Economics and Communications (with concentrations in journalism and sociology). After graduating with Phi Beta Kappa honors, I held diverse roles (forecasting, communications, President's staff, HR tech) in the telecommunications industry before returning to Stanford GSB for my MBA. I've worn many hats, in my career, and working with very different organizations (startups, corporations, nonprofits) in multiple capacities (marketing, partner development, communications/writing, strategy, chief of staff, consulting) in the US, Asia and Europe. I continue to be an involved Stanford GSB alumna: class secretary, alumni chapter leadership team, nonprofit consultant, active contributor in affinity groups (women, Asians, DEI), and a few years ago, was inducted to Stanford's honorary organization for their most valued (top 2%) volunteers. I believe in the power of education to change lives. I'm lucky to have found my calling in helping others to achieve their educational and career goals. I draw on my professional experience, ongoing community involvements, love for storytelling and the energy and satisfation that I get from helping others. I love to travel, read, and continue to learn from and be inspired by a rich network of friends, former classmates and and coaching clients from all walks of life.

Why do I coach?

Gaining admission to top MBA programs is highly competitive and can be stressful, uncertain and a significant investment. To be honest, I didn't know what I didn't know about myself and about MBA admissions when I applied. Now, I'm energized and inspired by the challenge -- and opportunity -- to help talented,, diverse and motivated individuals navigate the admissions process and submit their strongest candidacy. I draw on experience that comes from having helped hundreds of applicants. I've gained insights about admissions, career paths and coaching from working with 4 top MBA consulting firms, Stanford admissions, and independent marketing and educational consulting. As a result, my approach is strategic, challenging and supportive, draws on best practices, and provides a customized mix of life, career, educational and writing coaching. Every client is different and admissions is competitive, so cookie-cutter methodologies just don't cut it. We work together to put your best foot forward with greater confidence and better results.

Work Experience

Strategic Admissions Consulting Logo

Principal & Sr Admissions Consultant

Strategic Admissions Consulting

June 2012 - Present

Admissions Committee Experience

Principal, Strategic Admissions Consulting Admissions Consultant at 4 top MBA admissions consulting firms Member, professional organizations for educational consultants: HECA, WACAC, AIGAC Stanford admissions experience


Stanford Graduate School of Business Logo

Stanford Graduate School of Business


Minority admissions advisory council

Stanford University Logo

Stanford University

BA, Economics, Communication (+ concentrations in sociology, journalism)

First-gen college student Phi Beta Kappa Admissions reader

38 Reviews

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Dione has helped clients get into these schools:

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Dione C.

Dione C.


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