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While the range of services covered in my comprehensive package is the same as that of leading consulting firms, I limit my client roster to a much smaller number (6-8 vs 25-30+), allowing far more individual focus and a 'whatever it takes' approach to producing the strongest and most compelling application possible. This package includes: • Strategizing application approach • Discussing methods of augmenting candidacy • Advising on school selection strategy • Review and edit of CV • Guidance on recommender selection and recommender 'guidance packets' • Brainstorming and assisting in development of essay concepts and structure • Editing/final polish of essays • Guidance and polishing of application data forms • Interview preparation and mock interview • Assistance with waitlist update letters and strategy, if needed This package does not include any limit on iterations, such as the number of drafts. As a full-time professional consultant committed to helping a small number of applicants develop the strongest possible material, I do whatever it takes to maximize your chances for admission. I’ve worked extensively with deferred MBA applicants from a diverse range of countries, undergraduate majors and socioeconomic backgrounds. I particularly enjoy working with a wide variety of applicants who have an acute need to stand out in highly competitive applicant pools.
Resume: review, guidance, final polish
Recommendations: guidance on selection and creation/refinement of recommender prep packets
Application essays: overall strategy, brainstorming, story selection, outlining guidance, feedback on multiple drafts, final polish/trimming
Application data forms: overall guidance, feedback on content, final polish
Interview prep + mock interview(s)
Waitlist strategy and update letters during waitlist period (if applicable)
Coaching delivered via live sessions and .
Over the years, I’ve learned that taking certain key steps in a certain order makes the application process flow more smoothly and efficiently, maximizing quality while avoiding wasted time. I like to start with each applicant filling out a brag sheet, then scheduling an intensive ‘kick-off call’ to discuss a wide range of influences, life choices and other themes, usually resulting in a goldmine of insights, behavioral patterns, differentiators, and possible essay themes. From there, I like to focus on resume revision, then pivot to the ‘recommender selection/prep’ process, and then work on whatever other odds and ends need further attention, such as the short- or long-term professional goal story. By this point, we’ll both have done so much probing, high-quality thinking that we’ll be in excellent shape to start brainstorming and outlining the most difficult essays for the first application we tackle. As for process, I find that both calls and offline feedback are indispensable. For essay brainstorming and other challenging collaboration-intensive aspects of the process, nothing beats a live call. On the other hand, when suggesting a long list of edits on a new draft, taking the time to explain each issue and suggest specific fixes in writing is helpful for me, and my clients find that having ample time to review and think about this carefully prepared feedback is the most helpful and efficient for them. We can always schedule a call to discuss any questions, concerns, doubts, or even just to review our progress. Typically, my clients tend to schedule calls every 5-10 days, while trading revisions and feedback via email throughout the process. I handle everyday communications through email, and I find that our progress is optimized when clients send me complete revisions (and full sets of questions, if any) that reflect as much of my prior feedback as possible, rather than incomplete ‘just to see if I’m on the right track’ revisions. After we finalize the content for each main piece of an application, e.g. resume, essays, app form content, I like to do a final polish on all of it to make sure everything fits the required word limits and to address any issues with writing mechanics. As always, the more careful thought and hard work you put into this process yourself, the more I can help you make your ideas and final output even more compelling, often to the point where we’re both proud of what you’ve created and we can’t wait for you to submit it.
The services included in this package will be available until the end of the second round of the MBA application cycle, unless otherwise agreed (e.g. for late deadlines such as deferred admission and EMBA programs), and with the exception of interview prep and waitlist support (if required). Packages are non-transferrable and cannot be deferred or otherwise extended to a subsequent admissions cycle. Response time: Please allow up to 48 hours for review and feedback of all application materials during weekdays; 72 hours or less for final polish of essays, resume and application data form content. Calls can be scheduled 24 hours in advance during weekdays. My only other limit is that I’m unable to guarantee the capacity to review more than two application components for each applicant per day. So, if you have three essays to finish for one program that’s due in a few days, and you’re sending me the latest revisions of all three at the same time, I’ll certainly try to help as much as I can, but I can’t promise feedback on more than two essays in one day. This is to avoid situations where applicants might fall far behind schedule, and then ask me to provide weeks’ worth of consulting in just a few days. Although I can (and often do) accommodate fairly tight timelines, I always urge my clients to plan ahead, start early, and keep the momentum going, even if that means just working on one simple part of the process each day. Finally, this service represents a guaranteed reservation of scheduling capacity for a peak period of the admissions season. This means that I agree to turn away new business once I’ve reached full capacity, ensuring my ability to provide the agreed-upon services to the best of my ability. In return for this reserved capacity, applicants acknowledge that the payment is non-refundable in the event that they choose not to or are unable to submit any application by its due date.
Services included:
Ding Analysis
Waitlist Strategy
School Selection
Application Strategy
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Get help with Financial Aid & Scholarships, Editing, and .
Joined May 2022
20 years coaching, essay workshops & training coaches, Stanford interviewer
Worked with three top firms since 2002 (Stacy Blackman Consulting, MBA Prep School, Menlo Coaching) as well as independently. Chosen for Rematch Tiger Team, Client Liaison, and Second Reader roles at one firm, which involved rematching and providing exceptional service for applicants who were dissatisfied with their original consultant, advising consultants on various content-related and client-satisfaction challenges, and providing essay feedback for applicants who were unable to make further progress with their assigned consultant. Delivered best-practice essay development workshops for firm's entire team (~100 coaches), and advised on improvements of service offerings for multiple firms. Worked with Stanford Admissions Committee as Alumni Interviewer. Mostly recently, chosen as panelist for Leland Admissions Week.
20h+ of coaching