Leland Library

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Recent articles

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Eric Hilton

Eric H., an expert Leland coach, Wharton MBA, and Venture Investor, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Lillian Foy

Lillian F., an expert Leland coach and Booth MBA/Interviewer, outlines why she chooses to coach and what it means to her.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Brendan King

Brendan K., an expert Leland coach, Booth MBA, and former Pro Athlete, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Rafael Martinez

Rafael M., an expert Leland coach, first-generation college graduate, and Harvard MBA, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Isabella Jiao

Isabella J., an expert Leland coach, Booth MBA, and Pro Writer, outlines why she chooses to coach and what it means to her.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Sowa Imoisili

Sowa I., an expert Leland coach and Stanford MBA/Co-Class President, outlines why she chooses to coach and what it means to her.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Geoffrey Winegar

Geoff W., an expert Leland coach, MIT MS/MBA, and BCG Consultant, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Sage Pearce-Higgins

Sage P., an expert Leland coach and Pro GMAT Tutor, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Leland Garrahan

Leland G., an expert Leland coach and Wharton MBA, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

August 22, 2022

Why I Coach—Sarmed Rashid

Sarmed R., an expert Leland coach, Wharton MBA, and Harvard MPA, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.