John V.

John V.

Rice University Logo

Studied at Rice University

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About John

I’m a Stanford MBA and long-time strategy consultant (BCG, 6+ years). I’m also a former literary magazine Editor-in-Chief and Rice U admissions interviewer. I am a certified yoga instructor and proud LGBT leader. Since 2016, I’ve been the end-to-end coach for 15+ MBA applicants (applicants-turned-admits to HBS, GSB, Wharton, and the other top programs) and one-off advisor to many others. My approach and toolkit work at a unique level: we go deeper (into self-discovery) and broader (covering all aspects of your life). My coaching pairs deep listening and trust in YOU the applicant with a keen eye to effective storytelling and editorial review. Together, we’ll discover your heroic storyline and then find and turn up the power of your unique voice (we’ll put my editorial experience to good use). When we are done, you will have a bold (the deepest truths are always bold!), clear, and compelling story to share with the admissions committee. A few more things: -I am an adventurer: my consulting and non-profit work have taken me all over the globe, and I bring a sense of adventure, discovery, and excitement to all things, including my admission coaching work. -I believe: the MBA application process should lead to profound self-understanding, sense of purpose, and motivation to do BIG things. -I consider success to be: admission, scholarship $, newfound conviction and a sense of purpose, confidence in the role you have to play in the world. -I’m a best fit for: explorers/adventures, seekers of something bigger out of life, LGBTers.


Rice University Logo

Rice University

Alumni Interviewer, UG Admissions

2017 - 2018

2 cycles: SF Bay Area, Beijing

Stanford Graduate School of Business Logo

Stanford Graduate School of Business


2015 - 2017

Certificate of Public and Social Innovation Arbuckle Leadership Fellow

Rice University Logo

Rice University

BA, Computational and Applied Mathematics

2008 - 2012

Editor in Chief of R2: the Rice Review

John V.

John V.